The following is a selection of ideas visualised by myself or other awesome folks. I love seeing my ideas being brought to life so if you ever decide to give it a go then please let me know and I will add you to the list.
#ideas 2741
An app where you post 3 selfies and people tell you which of them is the best.

#ideas 523
An app where you follow someone on all forms of social media at the same time.

#ideas 1925
Sports bottle mouthwash.

#ideas 3379
A better way for deaf people to access Podcasts.
During the holiday , I worked on an app concept that helps individuals with hearing impairments access podcasts easily. Kindly check it out
— Designed by Embee! (@ManlikeMubbs) January 3, 2021
#ideas 3447
Shazam for flower smells.

#ideas 3347
App where you hover over a plant and find out about the optimal conditions and care for it. Similar to Translation apps where you hover over an image or text and it translates.
I saw a post on (a website with a list of ideas) The Idea was to create an app where you hover over a plant, find out about the optimal conditions, and care for it. So I decided to give it a try just for practice. I came up with a conceptual design.
— ???? (@heyFxsh) December 20, 2020
#ideas 2893
An app where you could type in how your feeling and it would bring up songs to listen to.
An app concept where you could select how you currently feel and the app creates a playlist of songs to listen to based on your mood 🙂
— ???? (@heyFxsh) December 2, 2020
Design inspiration from